What is Your Superpower?
Nov 02, 2021
I'm not joking with the title of today's blog post.
You are most definitely special.
What do I mean by that?
I mean that everybody has a superpower... something that they are truly amazing at.
I don't care how many degrees you have (or don't have), how smart you are, how wealthy you are...
There is something about YOU that makes you special...
Some might call you "one-of-a-kind".
Maybe you have the amazing ability to brighten the mood of anyone you come into contact with.
Maybe you are an amazing storyteller.
Perhaps you have amazing intuition and can tell when there is something going on with a family member or friend, even if they haven't mentioned anything...
What is "My" Superpower?
As you read this, you might be wondering what "my" superpower is.
I think it is the combination of my legal background with my knowledge of how to build an online business.
There aren't many lawyers out there that know as much as I do about building an online business, and there aren't a lot of online entrepreneurs who have been a practicing lawyer.
Law and business. That's the thing for me.
So let me ask you a question again...
What is YOUR superpower?
Reply back and let me know.
Tomorrow we are going to talk about why this is important.
In the meantime, I just published a new podcast episode talking about the 4 contracts you MUST have for your online business.
Click here to have a listen.
And while you are at it, don't forget to subscribe to the show!
Thanks, and have a great Tuesday!
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